
Proposed Ballot Template

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2900 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn NY Condominium 


Apartment Number: e.g. 1A

Number of the open seats on the Board of Directors:

Fiscal year: 2023 to 2024 

The Date of the Vote: the date the Ballots will be mailed out: 7.15.23 

Deadline of submission: 8.15.23

Please, put a checkmark on the box of the candidate(s)  you are voting for. Thank you.

List of the Nominated Candidates 

  • |   |


Write-in Candidate |   |

Write-in Candidate |   |


Voter Information

Apartment Number(s): 

Owner’s Name: 

Mailing Address: 


Note: Rest assured that your information will remain confidential. 

Proposed Ballot Template

M.N.: I propose to adapt this template:

HOA Elections Ballot Template

The post Proposed Ballot Template first appeared on 2900 Ocean Avenue Condominium, Brooklyn NY 11235.

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